Math 216 Demonstrations

A Model of a Spring


This is the standard mass-spring-dashpot model. The general solution may be easily obtained by guessing \(x = e^{rt}\), and particular solutions found by specifying different initial conditions. These demonstrations provide graphs of the solutions for different initial conditions, and an animation showing how the solutions reflect the actual motion of the mass on the spring.

Use Cases

Lecture: The mass-spring-dashpot model can again be presented with little derivation, though some emphasis of the physics behind the different terms may be appropriate in this case. The demonstrations are intended to provide insight into how the solution curves reflect the actual motion of the mass on the spring. The default values for in the demonstration are \(m=1\), \(c=1\) and \(k=8\) (so that \(r = -0.5\pm i\sqrt{7.75}\)).

Outside of Lecture Consider \(m = 1\), \(c = 1\) and \(k = 8\) and solve the initial value problem with \(x(0) = 1\), \(x(0) = 2\),... \(x(0) = 5\) and \(x'(0) = 0\). Check that the solutions you obtain are consistent with the animation and solutions shown in the demonstrations.

Model Description

This is the standard mass-spring model leading to a second-order linear constant-coefficient ordinary differential equation. We consider a mass attached to a spring, as suggested by the figure below.
figure of a mass-spring system
Here we have labeled the spring with its Hooke's-law constant \(k\), the mass \(m\), and the floor with a coefficient of friction, \(c\). We shall also represent this with a circular mass with friction suggested by a "dashpot," against which the mass assembly rubs, as shown below.
figure of a mass-spring system with dashpot

ODE Model

Let \(x\) be the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position. Then, assuming a Hooke's-law spring and that the resistance is a viscous damping force, the restoring force of the spring is \(F_s = -k x\) and damping force is \(F_R = -c x'\). Then, applying Newton's law (and assuming no external force on the system), we have \[ m\,x'' = \mbox{sum of forces} = -c\,x' - k\,x, \] or \[ m\,x'' + c\,x' + k\,x = 0. \]

We can obviously solve this easily by taking \(x = e^{rt}\).

Matlab Demos

As usual, we consider a number of Matlab demos for this:

Looking at the Model

Some questions that may be worth considering:

UMMath Math 216 Lecture Demos: 3_4Spring
Last Modified: 3:30pm EST 01/02/2013
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