Math 216 Demonstrations

Nonlinear Pendulum


In this demonstration we consider the nonlinear pendulum problem, \(\theta'' + c\,\theta' + k\,\sin(\theta) = 0\) and look at the linearization near the two types of critical points, \(\theta = 2n\pi\) and \(\theta = (2n+1)\pi\) (\(n\) any integer).

Use Cases

Lecture: The presentation of the nonlinear problem and the linearization at the different critical points are straightforward. The demonstration may then illustrate the linear and nonlinear phase portraits.

Outside of Lecture: Find all critical points of this equation, and do a linear analysis to determine behaviors at each. Verify that your analysis gives the same phase portraits as are shown in the demonstration.

Model Description

This considers the nonlinear pendulum problem with (or without) damping, shown in the figure below.
figure showing a pendulum

ODE Model

Following [1] or [2], this is modeled by \[ \theta'' + c\,\theta' + k\,\sin\theta = 0, \] where \(c = d/m\), the damping coefficient for the motion divided by the mass of the pendulum, and \(k = g/L\), the acceleration due to gravity divided by the length of the pendulum. Rewriting this as a system with \(x = \theta\) and \(y = \theta'\), we have \[\begin{align} x' &= y \\ y' &= -k\sin(x) - c\,y.\end{align} \]

Equilibrium points are found as usual to be \((n\pi, 0)\), for integers \(n\). Linearizing at these, we find two behaviors; at even multiples of \(\pi\) and at \(x = 0\), the coefficient matrix is \(\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1\\ -k & -c\end{pmatrix} \), and at odd multiples, \(\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1\\ k & -c\end{pmatrix} \). Sketching the phase portraits for each of these proceeds as expected.

Matlab Demos

Our demonstrations here show the solutions near each equilibrium solution, and those solutions in the full phase plane.


  1. Borelli, R.L. and C.S. Coleman. Differential Equations, a Modeling Perspective, 2nd ed. New York:Wiley, 2004.
  2. Boyce, W.E. and R.C. DiPrima. Elementary Differential Equations, 10th ed. New York:Wiley, 2012.
UMMath Math 216 Lecture Demos: 6_4NLPendulum
Last Modified: 13:30 EDT 5/20/2013
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