Canvas Tutorial
See this canvas tutorial page for information about using Canvas for math courses. Note that if you are working in the Introductory Program (math 105, 115, and 116) or teaching in another coordinated course (math 214, 215, 216, and 217) you should talk with the course coordinator to see if there is an existing Canvas course or template for your course.
Course Repository
The Department's on-line repository of course materials has materials for math courses numbered under 600, commonly including Syllabi, Homework Assignments, and sometimes other course materials. Note that because the Introductory Program courses (105, 115, 116, 215, and 216) already have extensive instructor resources available, they are not included in the repository.
At the end of the semester, please stop to use the uploader to copy materials from your course to the repository!
The repository is organized by course number, then term, then instructor. If you are teaching a course, you will probably want to start with the most recent term, and possibly with the materials from an instructor that you know or have spoken with about the course.
The Goal of the repository is to provide instructors who are new to a course a base level of information about what has happened in the course in the past, with information about the textbook that was used and material that was covered.
This is Motivated by the fact that the Math Department offers a lot of undergraduate courses, and has a lot of faculty (and graduate students) who teach them. The course repository is designed to facilitate a transfer of course memory from one instructor to the next.